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Aeronautical flight simulators

You want to discover a new aircraft, save money on your training, discover a new type of flight; or a new flight area with a simulator available 24/7?

No problem; our range of aircraft simulators has been studied to meet your needs.

In addition to offering solutions tailored to your device, we offer our haptic systems to enhance your immersion (see haptic systems) and increase the fluidity of your piloting.

Following our analysis of the helicopter simulator market in Europe, we have developed a scalable configuration at a more competitive price than the competition (especially on gyratory flight simulators) without neglecting quality.

From the beginning of your project to the upgrade of your simulator; through the after-sales service, Ultimate Vibe Systems will provide you with ongoing monitoring and service.   

Make a difference

Here are the specifics of our brand :

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Unique sensations : vibration systems for aircraft and helicopters.

Custom configurations. 

Thanks to our brand-specific haptic systems, you can feel the reactions of your machine in real time:


aircraft balance, stall vibration, G-forces, engine vibration and many more.


Vibration systems also enhance the comfort of VR display users.



For more information, see our "haptic systems" page.

From one of our basic solutions, we can provide you with a specific configuration; whatever are your needs or your budget.


After defining the best software solution for your project, we integrate faithful replicas of your camera’s controls (see photo on the right).


Subsequently, we develop a quote that integrates your needs to our

specifications to complete the configuration of your simulator.



Economy on training.

Whether you are learning to fly, or discovering a new type of aircraft or flight; the investment on your simulator, will save you money on your training hours.


This is due to the realism of the software we have chosen for you.


Solo flight, or duo with an instructor (which we can provide) on a dual control simulator;

you can improve your skills on your simulator which will be available at home 24/7.

Ultimate Vibe Systems Products and Services


Competitiveness of our prices on turnkey flight simulators.

The current market for turnkey helicopter and aircraft simulators has very high-end configurations that start at around 40,000 Euros.


Thanks to our independence and expertise, we can provide fixed wing and rotary wing flight simulators from 15,000 Euros, of comparable quality:


even at this price, our simulator

has the same quality software, graphics and sound and the same quality of controllers as the very high-end simulators.


Scalabiliity of your simulator

The configurations we make are developed for an evolutionary purpose: once the purchase is made, you can upgrade your equipment by adding different options (cylinders, VR...) to strengthen the immersion provided by your simulator.


The principle of scalability allows you to spread your expenses, but also to adjust your configuration according to the evolution of your needs and your experience in simulation.


After-sales service, assistance and follow-up.

Our service system allows us to deal with any problems or questions as quickly as possible.

We implement various means to intervene remotely :

phone support, audio/video capture, manufacturer warranty activation, and work on your PC’s memory disk.


Note that the software warranty applies to offline use for 2 years. 


Regarding the follow-up, during the 1st quarter following your purchase, we contact our customers every months to ensure their satisfaction and their good use of the product.   


We then make 3 to 4 assessments per year to keep in touch with our customers and know if they have new needs (change of device, willingness to upgrade...).

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